We Are Here to Listen


At Mindful Marriage and Family Therapy, it is not lost on us that each individual arrives at their circumstance of parenthood differently. Some experience loss, for others it is a decision that came easily, and some have discovered their answer on more of a windy road.

Conversely, it is also possible that you have not yet decided what path to take, and are circumnavigating the plethora of questions that arise when asked “When will you have kids.”

At this practice we recognize the importance of providing compassionate and supportive therapy for those individuals and couples that identify as childfree by choice, childless, or non-parents.

We understand the challenging experiences and societal pressures that can accompany each of these identities uniquely, and we are committed to creating a validating and empowering environment for each of you.

Whether you are navigating personal decisions, infertility, financial barriers, grappling with grief, coping with external expectations, or seeking a community that respects your life path, our talented team of clinicians are here for you.

We offer personalized care that honors your choices and helps you thrive, fostering a sense of fulfillment, connection, and well-being in your life.